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Ahsha Safaí: Ready to Make SF Work for You.

Ahsha Safaí is a proud immigrant, former labor organizer, city planner, and Supervisor. He knows that today, while you’re working harder than ever, this city just isn’t working for you.

Ahsha believes that with new, experienced leadership and accountability, we can get San Francisco back on track.

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Ahsha Safaí, a proud immigrant, husband, father, and experienced leader, is stepping up to bring real change to San Francisco. He's committed to representing working families and revitalizing the city.

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SF Supervisor calls for city to stop leaving immigrant families with children on street

“In a city with almost forty-eight billionaires,” said District 11 Supervisor Ahsha Safai at a City Hall rally Tuesday, “it is unconscionable that we have children living on our streets when we have shelter beds that are vacant.” Safai said he will introduce a resolution at the following Board of Supervisors meeting calling for Mayor London Breed and the Department of Homelessness to respond to the needs of the city’s immigrant families.


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Mission Local: Safaí is seeking the opportunity to separate himself from the peloton.

Safaí… has decided to distinguish himself by coming out hard against Proposition E. 

During a public interview with Mission Local Friday night, Safaí did not spare the rod in assailing the mayor’s signature policy initiative. He mocked it as enabling “‘The Fast and the Furious’ to happen in San Francisco.” But his real vitriol came when discussing Prop. E’s moves to reduce reporting requirements for violent police interactions with the public.


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Mission Local: One means of differentiating himself [Ahsha] is his opposition to Proposition E

It is “shocking” that Mayor Breed would put her name on Prop. E, a ballot measure that aims to ease restrictions on police chases and surveillance, said Safaí, who was slated to attend a rally opposing Prop. E on Sunday (it was later postponed due to stormy weather). “I truly believe this is one of the most anti-Black, anti-brown, anti-communities of color, immigrant communities [laws]. This is a racist piece of legislation.”

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